elderly people

Contrasting with 'while'

The average years of education of a person without a disability is 6.5 years. While, for someone with a moderate disability it is 4.4 years.

Here the writer is basically contrasting people with a disability and people without a disability in terms of the average number of years they spend in education.

However, to contrast using while, there are 2 options:

  1. While clause one, clause two.
  2. Clause one, while clause two.

And so our writer needs to do one of the following:

The average years of education of a person without a disability is 6.5 years, while for someone with a moderate disability it is 4.4 years.

While the average years of education of a person without a disability is 6.5 years, for someone with a moderate disability it is 4.4 years.