tom indira

Know (of)

Do you know anyone who is popular?
Yes, Tom Cruise.

Well, if you are a friend of Tom Cruise, then OK. But if you have never even met Tom Cruise then you might know of him, but you probably don't know him.

Know - without 'of'

If you know someone, then they also know you:

  • you meet them either regularly or occasionally
  • you know quite a lot about them
    (you probably know where they live)
  • they know quite a lot about you
    (they probably know where you live)

Know of

If you know of someone, then they probably do not know you.

  • you have never met them
  • they have never met you
  • if you know aything about them, this is probably because..
    • you have read about them
    • you have seen them in the media
    • other people told you about them

The following would be more appropriate:

Do you know anyone who is popular?
Yes, my sister is popular. Everybody likes her. She's so kind to everyone.